Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weekends in Musanze.

These past two weekends I have ventured to Musanze, a town nestled under Rwanda's towering volcanoes.  Not only is this the town where people start their gorilla trekking adventures, it is also the home of the Mbandas, directors and founders of New Hope Homes. Last weekend, I had the privilege of staying with them and visiting a new preschool they have just started.  I was able to meet with their teachers, pictured here:

Both women were full of laughter and joy, as you can see in this picture.  We talked shop for at least 3 hours. I learned what they do each day, helped them develop some forms they needed, and gave them some tips on how to structure their day. It was really fun!  Here is a photo of the main entrance and learning area in the school.  I love how colorful and welcoming it is!

As you can see, they have a lot of great resources, but could definitely use more.  If you have anything you'd like to donate to the cause (books, art supplies, learning posters, children's music, preschool curriculum) please let me know!  I'm hoping to gather some resources from home this summer and bring them back in August. 

Yesterday (Saturday) I hopped on the bus to go back to Musanze, this time to visit the older kids from New Hope on their visiting day at Sonrise School.  It was SO fun to see them in their cute little uniforms, and in their element at school!  The morning started off with an assembly, where the students sang songs for us "parents."  At first, their lines were incredibly neat and orderly.  Look at that straight line!

Here are some of the kids. Esther, one of ours from New Hope is peeking at me.  She's holding the flash card that says "want".

Here is Chantal, New Hope's director, with all our kids from New Hope that attend Sonrise.

I'm so proud of these kids.  They are all doing well in school.  I got to meet some of their teachers and even (gulp) see their grade reports.  Two girls in P3 (similar to 2nd/3rd grade in the states) are first and second in their class!  Amazing!