Monday, August 13, 2012

Love from Rwanda.

It has been over a week since returning to Rwanda and I think I'm officially over jet lag... although I could really use a cup of coffee right now!  (And it's 4:36pm.)  It is really wonderful to be back, although bittersweet after such a wonderful time at home with such dear people.  Here are a few instagrams to document my first week back in this beautiful country:

This is Sande and I in a (very) dusty van driving on a (very) bumpy dirt road (very) fast. (Note our expressions.)  I had the chance to travel to Kibeho, a small town in the south reaches of Rwanda, with Donna and six of the kids from New Hope Homes.  We visited a Catholic visionary who has lived there her entire life.  She is an amazing woman, committed to telling her story and praying for those who come to visit her.  Google "Kibeho" to find out more.  We stayed at a guest house and I entertained the kids while Donna had more time with the visionary.  We played cards, walked around the beautiful grounds (including visiting a giant statue of Jesus), ate meals together, and generally had a great time.  I also played nurse tending to a child who ate way too much food the night before... let's just say I didn't get much sleep! :)  It was so wonderful to reconnect with some of the kids, and spend time with the ever wonderful Donna.

The deep, red dirt is still here.  After my first trip in 2007, I wrote a song including the lyrics "deep red dirt, on my feet, it's seeping into me."  This dirt literally does seep into you (you should see the bottom of the tub when I wash my feet), but I was going for the metaphor.  This country is magnetic - it draws you back, time and time again.  And now, returning for another year, I definitely feel at home.

Tomorrow marks day one of the 2012-2013 school year.  I am delighted to start the year with a new crop of 2nd graders.   Each year, I like to make the number of the grade level I teach with a different object.  This year, it was buttons.  

To all of you back home - I am so blessed by your support.  Thank you.  I'll keep the photos and stories coming. 

Much love.

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