Monday, October 21, 2013

Travels westward, part 1.


I promise I haven't forgotten you.  You'll have to forgive me.  I've been busy acclimating back to life in Minnesota.  I have a class of third graders to teach, friends and family to hang out with, and winter clothes to find (and purchase.)  I realize I've been holding out on you, though.  I have lots of photos to share that document my journey back to the land of lakes.

When I decided to move back to Minnesota, I knew I wanted to spend time "in between" the two homes I love so much.  As I began to think about what that would look like, I knew I wanted a few weeks to just be somewhere different.  I knew big changes were ahead, and I wanted time to process, to pray, to walk, to adventure, and to reflect on how the last two years have changed me.  A stopover in Europe seemed like just the trick.  And it was.

I know I am lucky in the friend department.  The people who I've been fortunate enough to walk alongside in this life are incredible, generous people.  Billy and Marta are no exception.  I spent 9 days with them, doing some tourist-y things and some everyday things.  We walked and biked the streets of Krakow, visited Marta's family a few hours away, sat in cafes, drank wine in cave-like bars, and ate lots of hearty food.  I cooked for them in their lovely apartment, took a few solo walks and bike rides, and relished in their company.  Great conversations and loud laughter were a daily occurrence.  Milly and Barta - thank YOU for such a warm welcome.  Friends like you make this life incredibly sweet.

Here I am sandwiched between two of the smartest and most generous people I know, a-top a castle in Poland, nonetheless!  They are a part of an incredible community of friends in Minneapolis that has slowly started moving to various corners of the world.  I'm grateful their corner was on my way back to the states.

There were church celebrations one of my first days in Krakow.  Flower petals covered the streets, music filled the air, and there were processionals of people everywhere.  Quite a way to be welcomed to my first European city!
This woman stood out among the men in the procession band.

Marta and I picked out a bicycle for me and all of their future guests to use. It had a big brown basket, good for holding lots of goodies from the market.

Beautiful vines.

It's a good thing we got a bike.  Marta is a part of a group trying to raise awareness and support for biking in Krakow.  We joined 1,000 other cyclists in the city and went on a critical mass ride!  Marta helped to organize the event and it was a big success!  Here she is in the main square, right before our ride.  She's a mover and a shaker, this one.

Post-ride.  Bikes hoisted.  Cycle power.
Art / garden / (clown?) car.   There literally was a clown standing in a nearby doorway.

Look closely at this photo.  Look very closely.  (Hint: cat, leash, and altar.)

Holy meat, batman.
Billy posing in front of his language school. 
So many beautiful flowers.

Texture and color.
Such a beautiful city.  

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